Our Services
Network Spinal Analysis:
Network Spinal Analysis(NSA) is a highly effective way to simply relieve chronic problems as well as that state of overwhelm that so many of us experience in our fast moving stress filled modern World. By accessing your nervous system, your body will develop internal healing strategies. It is these strategies that will lead you to a new way of living. creating more available energy to live more fully.
SRI & Quantum Leap
Two incredible offerings that advance your Network care is SRI and Quantum Leap day. SRI is a specifically crafted series of breath work, created by Dr. Donald Epstein. They are introduced and described in great detail in two of his books, The Twelve Stages of Healing, along with The Twelve Stages of Healings workbook.
Traditional Chiropractic:
The art and science of correcting misaligned spinal vertebra, removing nerve interference, and restoring health and balance. This practice has helped millions of people overcome physical and stress-induced challenges in their bodies. Chiropractic has been named the most effective treatment for low back pain and the most cost effective.
Quantum Neurology:
A state-of-the-art healing technology that is designed to find the source of your dis-ease/pain pattern and correct it simply. People who have received QN sessions have healed stomach disorders, intestinal problems, Lyme’s Disease, fibromyalgia, hiatal hernias/gastric reflux, and various other dis-eases. These sessions allow muscles, vessels, and organs to return to a normal state of EASE and HEALTH. There are only 20 licensed QN practitioners in the world and we are very proud to have Dr. Mark Trell be among them.
Well-Being Classes:
Wellness classes are offered throughout the year, giving helpful information on living more healthful and stress free. These classes and workshops provide great venues for learning and deepening your healing. They are taught by Body Wisdom practitioners and other visiting practitioners. Please check the website for upcoming class information.
Homeopathic Support, Nutritional Support, & doTerra Essential Oils
Are encouraged at Body Wisdom. We sell a variety of high quality products that the staff and practitioners have used themselves and trust their positive results. By talking to your practitioner about your unique stature, he/she will help direct you to the homeopathic or nutritional formulas that best suit you.
Weight Loss Guidance
Because Dr. Julianne Trell’s knowledge of Clinical Nutrition and the importance of right foods to support a healthy lifestyle, she is proud to offer a highly effective way to lose weight while learning what foods truely support you as you create the life you wish. If you have at least 10 pounds to lose and are not pregnant or lactating, you can simply experience weight loss of up to 25 pounds in three weeks and lose up to 3500 calories of fat a day from your body with the supplement, Doc’s Stimulus Drops.